Allows automated ways of publishing content to a RAMADDA server. This document assumes that the user has an account on a RAMADDA server.


pip install ramadda_publish

To update from previous installation:

pip install --upgrade ramadda_publish

Check installation in your favorite command line environment using

ramadda_publish -h

Use cases

A few definitions:

refers to the RAMADDA server root directory; usually it is the whole path that ends with /repository. For example https://weather.rsmas.miami.edu/repository.
refers to a RAMADDA entryid of a directory where user would like to publish the files and has access. For instance in url https://weather.rsmas.miami.edu/repository/entry/show?entryid=30c863d8-e68c-4722-8d4a-e2d25d79a710 entryid would be 30c863d8-e68c-4722-8d4a-e2d25d79a710.
refers to username of the user for the RAMADDA server.
refers to password of user username for the RAMADDA server.

Publishing a file

ramadda_publish infers the file type automatically using the file extension. To publish a file named testfile.ipynb use:

ramadda_publish testfile.ipynb entryid -ramadda ramadda_server -user username -password password

Publishing a file with an attachment

RAMADDA files can have accompanying attachments. Image type attachments will be displayed as thumbnails for the file. To publish a file named testfile.xidv with an atachment attachmentfile.gif use:

ramadda_publish testfile.xidv entryid -a attachmentfile.gif -ramadda ramadda_server -user username -password password

Publishing multiple files

To publish files with pattern *.zidv use:

ramadda_publish '*.zidv' entryid -ramadda ramadda_server -user username -password password

note the quotes around '*.zidv' in the command above. quotes are needed when file patterns are used.

Publishing multiple files with multiple attachments

To publish files with pattern abc*.zidv and a corresponding attachment abc*.gif use:

ramadda_publish 'abc*.zidv' entryid -a 'abc*.gif' -ramadda ramadda_server -user username -password password

Make sure the number of files and attachments are same, otherwise ramadda_publish publishes just the files to avoid any mismatch.

Publising a directory

To publish a directory named test_dir containing multiple files inside to RAMADDA use:

ramadda_publish test_dir entryid -ramadda ramadda_server -user username -password password

Directories can be grouped as a RAMADDA casestudy with an additional keyword suffix -groupas casestudy; this type of directory gets a special look when it contains jupyter notebooks within. For example this url https://weather.rsmas.miami.edu/repository/entry/show?entryid=f34a263b-afe6-46fa-9490-42e9689b38a6 is a casestudy type.