Getting Started

Installation can be checked using by executing the command:

idv_teleport -h

The above command shows list of options that can be used.

As as example download this fairly complex sample bundle HYCOM_3dvort_template.xidv.


Check setting up of the IDV path by opening the bundle:

$IDV_HOME/runIDV HYCOM_3dvort_template.xidv

Now to teleport the bundle to time 1992-10-14 and +- 2days around bounding box (North West South East) 30 -90 20 -82:

idv_teleport -b HYCOM_3dvort_template.xidv -t 1992-10-14 -td 2days -bbox 30 -90 20 -82

This should create 3 files in the same directory named:


The .zidv file contains data included visulization bundle that can be opened by IDV. .gif is the animation of visualization produced.

To run in headless mode (if the tool Xvfb is present) append the above shell command by -nohead True.

Bundles produced using the tool are in Demos Section.

Jupyter Notebook/Python

NOTE: Currently the API to import IDV_teleport from python is under development and is expected to be released in the next version. Below code snippet gives tentative API.:

from idv_teleport import teleport
teleport('bundlefile.xidv','2010-01-01','2days','30 -90 20 -82',headless=True)

API leads to convinient scripting from python like:

for dates in ['2010-01-01','2008-07-01']:
     teleport('bundlefile.xidv','2010-01-01','2days','30 -90 20 -82',headless=True)